Children Youth and Families Department Protective Services (CYFD)
104 6th St.
Socorro NM 87801
Open Mon-Fri 8-5
CYFD provides a number of services
that include helping counsel
families that may be going through
a hard time, they also have a
probation programs that helps
adolescents get the help the need.
104 S 6th St.
Socorro NM 87801
Phone 575-835-2121
Open Mon-Fri 8-5
Juvenile Probation and Parole provides services for troubled
youth that may need to be on probation in order to comply with a
a charge they may have received. They also offer counseling.
Juvenile Probation & Parole CYFD
Rio Grande Valley Casa
202 McCutcheon
Socorro NM 87801
Phone 575-838-4031
Casa provides support and help for those children who have been taken away from their parents through court custody. They
also accept volunteers that are willings to work with these children