Socorro Public Library
401 Park St
Socorro NM 87801
Open Mon-Thurs 9-5:50 Fri 9-4:50
Saturday 9-1:50
The Socorro Public library has a book
rental program as well as childrens
room where children can go get a
book and read it there. They also
have computers a printers that are
New Mexico Tech Library- Skeen Library
801 Leroy Place
Socorro NM 87801
Open Mon-Sat 8-8 Sunday 12-6
The hours vary in the summer and at
off semester times.
Skeen Library is open to the
Socorro Community. They have
a borrow lender program
that allows the community to
have access to the library.
It is free of charge but in order
to be apart of the borrow lender
program you must present a valid
Id or Driver License.