Healthy Kids Socorro County
This is a program designed to mitigate the effects of obesity and diabetes in our community. We advocate for active lifestyles and healthy eating for kids.
Programs include:
- Bike/walk to school
- fruit and vegetable tasting in the schools
- challenge (5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 2 hours or less of screen time, 1 hour of exercise a day).
HKSC also works implementing safe biking routes in Socorro and maintaining the public school Wellness policy.
Please click here for the Socorro County Health Assesment that was done in the spring of 2014.
Socorro Store House
The Storehouse is a 501 (c)3 non profit food pantry that serves the community of Socorro and the entire county. Our mission is to end hunger and food insecurity in the county. We are for the most part self funded and rely on volunteers, with the exception of one paid position split by two people. We encourage community participation in collecting food donations,holding fund raisers etc. and educating the community about food insecurity in our area. We are always looking for interested vollunteers to work at the Storehouse or to hold fund raisers on our behalf, and for families and individuals who need our help. We are open on Thursdays from 12pm to 2pm to serve clients and on Tuesdays to recieve donations and prepare for distribution.
Our contact info: socorrostorehouse@gmail.com T:575-517-7194
Bountiful Baskets
This is a not-for-profit food co-op for families that want to have more fresh produce for less money. In order to participate, you must set up a free account on the website. It has been in Socorro County since July 2014.
We are B week
Volunteer Time: 6pm
Pick up: Time: 7pm
Pick up Day: Friday
Location: Zimmerly School 511 El Camino Real Socorro, NM 87801
Directions: From Californis St. turn West onto College Ave, turn left or south at first 4-way stop onto Franklin St., turn left or east onto Middle Rd./ El Camino Real to the school at 511 El Camino Real.
Socorro County Juvenile Justice Board
The Socorro County Juvenile Justice Board’s primary charge is to originate, coordinate, execute and implement strategies and programs that seek out and obtain state, federal and other sources to fund and support initiatives, programs, services and activities that prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency and the involvement of children in gangs, and that increase the protective factors around children and youth. The second charge to the Juvenile Justice Board is to develop a juvenile justice plan that covers the spectrum of prevention, intervention, and treatment strategies designed to address and encourage youth, parent, school and community involvement and interaction in reducing at-risk behaviors and in increasing protective factors.
Socorro County Options, Prevention and Education
This is the comprehensive community
health council for Socorro County. The council was established approximately 15 years ago in response to Maternal Child Health legislation.
The purpose of the Health Council:
● Collaborate with community partners and members in achieving their mission.
● Assess community health needs.
● Identify health improvement priorities.
● Identify current community assets.
● Forward information about funding opportunities and resources.
SCOPE Vision:
Socorro County: A Safe and Healthy Community.
SCOPE Mission:
We will work together
● to provide a method for community health decision making,
● to identify and prioritize health and safety needs, and
● to establish and plan strategies for community health goals for the improvement of the health and quality of life in families and individuals of Socorro County.
We meet on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month from 11:30AM – 1:00PM.
For more information
contact Valerie Key, Coordinator at valkey.scope@gmail.com or 575-418-7490
Please click here for the Socorro County Health Assesment that was done in the Spring of 2014.
Click here to go to Healthykidssocorro.com